Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is Shingles contagious?

My friend has Shingles and sometimes she drinks out of my drink but she doesn't put her mouth on it (like a bottle of soda and tips it to pour into her mouth)..I hope it isn't contagious in anyway.
No. Shingles is not contagious. If you had NOT had the chicken pox, however, you could get the chicken pox from contact with your friend.p.s. Regardless of this fact, it really is not a good idea to share sodas. She could transfer other illnesses to you unwittlingly (or visa versa).
Shingles is herpes.I'd tell her to get her own soda.
I don't think it is to people who have had the chicken pox or be vaccinated for them.
yes very
The answer to your question is yes. However, the only part that is contagious are the liquid droplets. Don't get them on yourself or you'll be sorry.
No. I don't belive shingles are contagious. i have had them when I was 16. I have also had chicken pox young. The doctor told me shingles is a form of that virus that lays dormant until "activated".. Usually prevelant in older people. Very dibilitating and painful. i wish you luck. it took me about 3 weeks to feel good. I guess it's a virus.
Shingles just like the chicken pox is a strain of the herpes virus and is contagious!!! Most people that do not get chicken pox as children end up getting Shingles as adults and it is a lot more serious. You would most likely have to come in contact with one of the sores to catch it, but I would be careful anyway.
god the answers in this place sometimes are so knee jerk and INCORRECTNO...shingles are NOT contagious..shingles are a reaction in the body to left over varicella virus..only contagious if one has never had the chicken poxbut yes most ppl have had chicken pox in their lifetime
First of all no shingles are not contagious.
So don't worryShingles are caused by the same virus as chicken pox -- Herpes Zoster. Herpes zoster like other forms of herpes virus lie dormant in your spinal column and can become active again at any time.The virus can be activated by stress factors, fatique, poor health etc. and can re- occur at anytime.Most folks think that if you had chicken pox you won't get shingles. This is actually quite the opposite. Remember Herpes Zoster is the chicken pox virus! If you have never had chicken pox you can/may catch them from a person who has shingles
Shingles are contagious, to persons that have not previously had chicken pox, as long as there are new blisters forming and old blisters healing. Once all of the blisters are crusted over, the virus can no longer be spread.
SHINGLES IS CONTAGIOUS!I would NEVER allow anyone to share any drinks w/ me!
You are sharing much more- bodily fluids, viruses and bacterias!Even IF you had the Chicken pox you can still acquire the shingles. In fact, most who do have the shingles have had the chicken pox!
There are many illness associated w/ the virus which causes the shingles, they are all in the HERPES ZOSTER viruses...
Including- herpes, mono (Epstein Barr Virus) , CMV, cox sackie virus (hand foot %26 mouth disease) and many others...I had never had the chicken pox and aquired from a geriatric patient who had the shingles- I then had both the shingles and chicken pox at the same time - inside and out, even had an elious which is serious- it means my system was shutting down- my bladder, liver and intestines all stopped working!I would be cautious if you had been around her at all with in the past days leading up to her illness or until she has been given the "all clear"!You certainly do not want the Shingles!
Hope you do not get them!
Usually people do not have them again until later in life, but it is not uncommon if exposed, if your immune system is slightly compromised or under stress.If you do have any symptoms, get in to a doctor. There are Antiviral meds used now to treat and lessen the severity and length of duration.

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