Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is my boyfriend gonna have a heart attack?

He is 27 yrs old and complains of chest pains. He said he got examined awhile back and found nothing wrong with his heart. He had back surgery a few years ago and takes Vicodin occasionally for pain. What can be going on?
First of all if he is currently suffering chest pains he needs to be check out by a doctor. Nothing anyone says on here can replace an ECG. Now, as for what can be causing chest pain in a healthy 27 year old, it can be plenty of things not related to the heart. I am 31 and have had pains in my chest since I was 20. A lot of it is back related and radiates into my chest. You can also have infections in the lining of the lung, in the cartilage between the ribs, or in the lungs themselves. Another cause could be stomach related. thousands of people each year go to the hospital for chest pains to find out they are having stomach issues. This does not mean their trips were unwarranted as chest pain is nothing to play with. Its better to be safe. Don't worry yourself too much if his health checks out, there are plenty of causes. Learn what to look for in a heart attack if it makes you feel safer and know what to do. Be prepared and make sure he keeps his appointments at the doctor.
It could be stress.. My teenage daughter had a panic attack that i swore was a heart attack. or it could be something else like pneumonia. Does it hurt when he takes a deep breathe?? I would have him checked out by a doctor. There could be many causes. Good Luck
I have to agree with luna, an anxiety attack feels like a heart attack. He should see the doctor to have heart problems ruled out, the doctor can put him on an anxiety medication
Well his blood pressure could be higher than normal. Which can cause heart pains.
If He drinks alot of coffee or soda etc. the caffeine could be having a negative effect on his body making his heart hurt. or he's just taking in too much of it. I'm not sure of anything else though...
He really should have a medical work-up to rule out cardiac as well as other causes. Gall bladder inflammation can mimic heart trouble, also. It could be something serious or it could be benign, but without a thorough check-up, there is really no way to know for sure. Could it be referred pain from his old back issues? Good luck !

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