Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is poisen ivy contagious?

Yes... and no. It is very contagious at first, when the oils from it are still on your skin, clothes, etc. But after constant washing of all the stuff that could have come in contact with the poison ivy oils, you are not contagious. People used to, and still, think that the liquid that oozes out of your sores contained the poison oil, but that is not so, that is just your body's puss as a reaction to the poison.

When rashes appear to spread, it is either a later reaction to the oils then other parts of the skin, or picked up oils from some item of clothing, etc that came in contact with the oils, (This oil can remain poisonous to us for like up to 2 years on objects not washed) or just skin irritation from all the itching in the surrounding areas. Itching the infected area will just give you scars and irritate your skin. I used menthol to keep the itching at bay.
Good luck. :)
I know that poison oak is contageous when you touch another person. Maybe its the same way with poison ivy.

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