Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is pneumonia contagious or dangerous?

My husband is on the lung transplant list and just today someone tells us they have pneumonia.Everyone says it is not contagious but in this case where my husbands immunity is lessened are the germs associated with this a threat and should he stay away from her as she seems to think its okay and it is not contagious to be around her.Reguardless taking chances is not waht we choose to do and we are staying away anyway.
Yes - certain viruses that can lead to pneumonia are contagious.Every day people breathe in different types of bacteria, viruses or other germs. In general, it is nothing to worry about as our immune systems usually kill off these germs.
People often have small amounts of germs in their nose and throat. These germs can be passed on through sneezing, coughing or contact, such as hugging or kissing.
Some of these germs are contagious and they can multiply and cause lung infections, leading to pneumonia. Pneumonia is not always caught in this way as occasionally an infection is carried to the lungs by the bloodstream or moves to the lungs directly from the infected area. A wide range of germs, including streptococcus, haemophilus, klebsiella, legionella, and tuberculosis, can cause pneumonia as well as viruses such as influenza and chickenpox.The last thing someone on a transplant list needs is to be around someone who is sick. Even if the pneumonia is not contagious, she may have secondary problems that are. She should be ashamed of herself for placing your husband at risk. Something as simple as a cold could eliminate him from contention for an organ if one were available. Keep her away from your husband at all cost. Good luck. With friends like her, you don't need enemies.
Pneumonia can be very dangerous, it left untreated it can be fatal. Bacterial pneumonia (most common) is treated with antibiotics. It is generally not contagious. If your doctor feels it is nothing to be worried about, it should be fine.
Don't take any chances with your husband. Pneumonia isn't easy to catch from another person however pneumonia is usually developed because ones immune system is weakened. Because of this it would be easier for your husband to contract things that most of us wouldn't have to worry about at all. I would defiantly suggest that your husband avoid contact with as many people as he can, sick or not, most viruses take 3-5 days to show symptoms so he can easily be exposed to anything without knowing that the other person is even sick..good luck to you both.

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