Saturday, October 31, 2009

Is the stomach flu going around?

I live in CT and mostly everyone had the stomach flu I have it...just wondering if it's still going around where you live..or if you have had it recently??
yes we are here in mich..and my son came down with it earlier this week..get some rest and try to eat smaller portions.get well soon
My friends kids had it early this week, we live in VA.. I want to put my kids in a bubble because we are leaving for vacation in NYC next week and I don't want to have sick kids or be sick!! Keep your fingers crossed for me.
There is no such thing as "stomach flu." Flu, or influenza, is a respiratory disease.The set of symptoms usually described as "stomach flu" is called gastroenteritis and can be caused by viruses or bacteria. Some forms are communicable, other forms are caused by food poisoning. Make sure that you're following proper food hygeine in the kitchen, and keep the bathrooms clean. That's pretty much the only things you can do to prevent it.

Is the single blood test for allergies available?

Well, you still need a scratch test if you're allergic to many fact, I've never heard of a blood test for allergies.
Nope; you have to be tested for the allergies individually. This hasn't changed much over the years. It's the only way to gage exactly what you are allergic to, and to what severity.
There are 2 types of blood tests available to determine if a person has allergies. One is the total IgE level. People with allergies have elevations in immune globulin E. Elevations in IgE lead to release of histamine when you are exposed to something that you are allergic to and the histamine plays a role in many of the allergic symptoms. The 2nd blood test is referred to as RAST testing. This is where the IgE level to any number of different food, environmental allergens, and drugs is measured. Many physicians - myself included - prefer blood (RAST) testing to skin testing for allergies.
My 6 year old son, who is allergic to tree nuts, just got tested again the other day with a skin prick test on his back. In the past on his skin test, he had shown positive for tree nuts, eggs, and shrimp. His tests this time showed negative, even for cashew which the last time he tested for cashew it was showing it would of killed him if he ate one. She repeated the skin test on the other side of his back with cashew only. After no reaction happened she sent us over for blood tests to be on egg whites, yolk, shrimp, and cashews. They took two tubes of blood. One of the tubes looked like it had something in it before the blood started going in it so I don't know if it was something the blood needed to mix with to test for that particular food. I honestly don't think there is a single blood test for allergies, but you might be able to just sit down one time and let them fill up tubes for all that you think you are allergic to, but it would be best to start with a skin prick test in my opinion. Good luck.

Is the result negative or positve?

The result of the HBV PCR test : 9.2125e+01
Is the result negative or positve?
Better to find out the specifics of the test before being concerned. Some HBV test are used to measure immunity. Hep B surface Antibody GOOD, Hep B surface Antigen BAD.
positive watch out
ask whoever gave you the test to read it for you.
call your doctor I'm sure they will know the answer
confirm with your health care provider

Is the product Venacura the same thing as Daflon 500mg which is currently sold in Europe?

I tried to research this one. It seems there may be some differences.
Dafon capsules, are available in Europe and Mexico, under the same brand name also under ,,Venalot Depot ,,,It contains a balanced misxture of diosmine plus hesperidine...(derivatives of vegetable roots that contract smooth muscle in dilated veins,,,,like in hemorrhoids and varicose veins),,,,
In Europe, both Daflon capsules and Venalot tablets with the same amount of alkalods, are in existence.
Not in Canada Though,,

Is the physiotherapy good treatment for bell`s palsy and is it temporary situation?

bells palsy is a permanant situation, fortunately lots recover completely or almost completely. Unfortunately, some recover partially with a defect in their facial appearance. Physical "may" be helpful, no guarantees, but still worth a try. I am hoping that you have tried steroids and acyclovir so far, all the best

Is the new HPV vaccine painful to get? Why, where is it injected?

Personally, in my opinon, and this may be different for many other people, but I thought it was kind of painful. I mean compared to all the shots I get, they arent that bad. I felt like they were injecting me with rubbing alcohol it kind of burned, but its worth getting. You get the vaccine 3 times, after the first one, you go for your second one 2 months later, then after that, the third one is 3 months later. But hey, 3 shots are worth it since HPV is increasing as well as cervical cancer. The shot is located right on your arm by your shoulder.
It is not any more painful than getting any other shot. It is given in your arm.
If this is the vaccine I think you are talking about, then no it is not painful to get, just like some shots after getting it you can feel where the medicine stuff went in, it's injected into your upper arm.
Upper arm. The stick is worse than the medicine!
It's just a shot, like the many other shots you've had before.I got it in my arm. You have to have 3 of them, several months apart.

Is the life expectancy of ppl with Tetralogy of Fallot normal if they had a successful surgery as a baby?

Only the surgeon can answer this. My prayers are with you if you have a baby with heart problems. My little girl had heart surgery at 31/2. She is fine now, but I thought for sure I would die and her too.
Note: This web page is meant to be a helpful, informative introduction on the subject of Tetrology of Fallot. The information may not be applicable to all cases, especially if there are additional defects. It is not meant to replace the opinion of a personal physician. Tetrology of Fallot is a common heart defect, and the most common cyanotic heart defect. Cyanosis refers to the bluish tinge of the lips and fingers that develops when the blood which circulates in the body is not fully filled with oxygen. Blood which is fully filled with oxygen is bright red; blood which is not is dark blue-purple. There are two main pumping chambers (called ventricles) in the heart. The right ventricle takes unoxygenated blood (the oxygen has been used by the body) from the body and pumps it to the lungs, and the left ventricle takes oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to the body. Separating these two chambers is a wall (called a septum). Ordinarily, there is no mixing of the blood between the two ventricles. In Tetrology of Fallot, there is a ventricular septal defect (VSD), that is, a hole between the two ventricles. In addition to the hole between the ventricles, there is a narrowing of the artery which goes to the lungs (called Pulmonary Stenosis). It can be difficult for the blood to get through this area. Since blood tends to follow the path of least resistance, some of the blood in the right ventricle will avoid this tight spot by going across the VSD to the left side. The blood in the right ventricle is unoxygenated (blue); thus some blue blood crosses over to the left ventricle and gets pumped out to the body. This is why children with Tetrology of Fallot are often blue. Children with Tetrology of Fallot may be more or less “blue” in color depending on how narrow the artery is which leads to the lungs. If that artery is only mildly narrow, a nearly-normal amount of blood may go the lungs to get oxygenated, and the child may have very little bluish tinge. These children also tend to grow well and be active. Symptoms are minimal or absent. On the other hand, if the artery leading to the lungs is severely narrowed, children may be quite blue. They may also have problems with feeding and growing. Some children will have episodes where they get much bluer than usual (called “tet spells”). Children who have spells usually undergo corrective surgery soon after the onset of the spells. Unless there is some unusual complicating factor, all children with Tetrology of Fallot should undergo correction. Even those with mild symptoms will do better in the long run with corrective surgery than if left alone. Surgery involves closure of the ventricular septal defect with a patch, along with opening the narrowed artery to the lungs. The technique used to open the artery will vary with the size of the patient and the severity of the narrowing. Surgery is done using an up and down (vertical) incision on the chest. It is necessary to place patients on the heart-lung machine during surgery. Tubes are placed in the vessels coming back to the heart to draw blood away before it gets to the heart. The machine oxygenates the blood and then pumps it back into the body. In this way, the surgeon can work inside the heart more easily. Most children stay in the hospital from 4-12 days after repair of Tetrology of Fallot. Children often leave the hospital on some medications, but these can sometimes be discontinued within a couple of months after surgery. Most children do very well for many years after surgery for Tetrology of Fallot. However, the surgery cannot be considered a true “cure.” In normal hearts, there are usually two valves on the right side of the heart. (A valve keeps blood going in the correct direction). Most children only have one valve on the right side after surgery for Tetrology of Fallot. Usually, this does not cause any problems. In some, however, the right side of the heart may become overburdened because of this and may need another operation years after the original repair. This only happens to a few percent of the children, but it is important to make sure that all children who have Tetrology of Fallot are followed regularly by a cardiologist.
Unfortunately, this article did NOT say what the life expectancy is, however, if it is YOU who had the surgery, I'd check with your doctor.but here's the thing---try not to worry about it.whatever is going to happen IS going to happen--I am 56 years old and found out 6 months ago that MY heart and lungs are pretty much shot...a birth defect that went UNDETECTED until I had an attack 6 months ago---it is inoperable and terminal. HOWEVER, I am living my life to the fullest (and taking ALL my meds and following doctor's orders)...and not sad because I don't fear the inevitable... EVERY second we spend alive is a your life like that and take NOTHING for granted .no matter how long you will be on this earth...
I never heard of your disease you wrote about til I read the lady's Barb answer. I just want to say I wish you and BARB the best of luck. And I am so sorry this happened to you. And I am sorry for Barbs bad news too. Please Barb God Be with you!! I went to write you but you are not excepting. I understand that. I wish for Gods miracle to cure you both! I have two artificial valves in my heart but I am doing ok. I have a lot of health issues but I am ashamed of being a baby at times when I see stories like this! God Bless!
Mariliz - The life expectancy of people with tetralogy of Fallot is very variable and is very dependent on the details of your child's anatomy. Therefore, the only person who can answer the question with any accuracy is your child's cardiologist.What I CAN tell you is that most patients who have undergone a successful repair will live to be fully functional adults, even if their life expectancy may be somewhat shorter than people without heart disease. I see many patients with tetralogy of Fallot who are in their 40s or older and living very normal lives. Hope that helps! Good luck to you!

Is the demand for surgical oncologists going up or down?

On one hand, cancer is becoming more common.On the other hand, aren't doctors coming up with more non-surgical techniques? As in surgery is becoming... outdated I guess. Not sure if this is true.
Sarcoma is a connective tissue and bone cancer that requires a surgical oncologist to remove the tumors. At the moment, with sarcoma, complete surgical removal, if possible, is the best option. Surgical oncology is not outdated, but instead is exploring new and innovative treatments on a daily basis. Many times now surgical oncology will also include radiation or chemotherapy treatment during the surgery. My son had surgery to remove abdominal tumors followed immediately by hyperthermic chemoperfusion where chemo was used to bathe the abdominal cavity.
As long as people continue to smoke cigarettes the demand for surgical oncologists will continue to increase.

Is the chin more prone to break out?

My chin and my neck are consistently my main areas to break out.
Your chin is the part of your face that you touch most often. It tends to break out most often in most people. Try not to touch your face (or neck) if you haven't just washed your hands.

Is the carotid and jugular the same artery, and if inflammed, is there immediate alarm for that?

have an inflammed carotid artery, and feels like a painful tonsil. Is there immediated danger in that, or is there simple medicine that would counter that problem
don't you think it is just tonsilitits? anyways, if the jugular vein is distented it represents myocardial infarction therefore an alarming one. maybe there is something inflammed in your upper body that's why it is painful. anyways, seeing your doctor is the best way.
the jugular is a vein, not an artery. How do you know the artery is inflamed? You should see a doctor if it is or you think it is. There are no simple medicines you can buy over the counter.
The carotid is an artery and the jugular is a vein. I don't think it is immediate danger, although, you should see a doctor if you are concerned about any health issue. It could be tonsillitis.And to one of the previous response. Distended jugular veins is not a sign of a myocardial infarction. Distended jugular veins can be the cause of many conditions and should be treated, such as, pulmonary hypertension, pneumothorax, copd, vena cava syndrome. My best advice is to see a doctor if this symptom is bothersome.

Is the cancer rate elevated in Niskayuna New York?

You can do this type of research online. New York and each state has a Cancer Registry that keeps track of statistics: National Cancer Institute American Association of Central Cancer Registries Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) Association of Cancer Registries

Is the brain bigger than the liver?

No, the liver is the largest organ in the body.
The adult human liver normally weighs between 1.3 - 3.0 kilograms, and it is a soft, pinkish-brown "boomerang shaped" organ. It is the second largest organ (the largest organ being the skin) and the largest gland within the human body.It is located on the right side of the upper abdomen body diaphragm. The liver lies on the right of the stomach and makes a kind of bed for the gallbladder (which stores bile).Just so you know if you close both your fist and put them together that should be the size of your brain.Hope that answers your question :]
good luck!

Is the amoxicillin used to treat humans the same amoxicillin used to treat cats with respiratory infections?

amoxicillin is just a form of antibiotic. so they both have the same function only different strength.
Yes. They may use different strengths, but when it comes to meds, amoxicillin is amoxicillin.
Yes! its the same. You could use the same medication for both man and animals.
i would say not/

Is the alcohol in beer and wine the same as the alcohol that is used as a disinfectant and antiseptic?

No. Rubbing alcohol is isopropyl alcohol, drinking is ethanol. They have highly different chemistries, uses and ways of being made. They are both types of alcohol (hydroxyl group bound to a carbon atom in an alkyl group), but they don't have much in common besides both being part of the same subset of chemicals.
No it can't well it's my opinion.
do not try that, it has some serious health hazard
disinfectants and antiseptics more than beer, and most wines.
No, if you look on the labels, they will be different. the antiseptic will say alcohol...(something that starts with a d)
no there are many differnt levels of alcohol, we drink ethal alcohol, but usually in disenfectants and stuff its isoproply, it just has to do with the chemical composition, just only drink ethal, others could cause sever health problems
ANTISEPTIC:A flavoured, usually antiseptic solution used for cleaning the mouth and freshening the breath..DISINFECTANT:An agent, such as heat, radiation, or a chemical, that destroys, neutralises, or inhibits the growth of disease-carrying microorganisms. Serving to disinfect.
so my answer is no they r not same
first you should differentiate the beer%26wine and alcohol. In beer and wine, less amonut (30-45%) of alcohol is mixed to make a kick.
The alcohol in beer and wine is not same as the alcohol, which is commonly known as absolute alcohol (90-100% alcohol).
This is Jimmy Ebasco, the one who initiallly asked this question. Some of your answers sounds as though if i'm asking "is it safe to drink antiseptic alcohol or if it's safe to mix it with drinking alcohol?" Well, you stupid morons, I'M NOT! I'm SIMPLY asking if the two are the same...that's it! How is that so difficult to understand? Unless you people don't know how to read!

Is the a cure for Bacterial Meningitis ?

It seem like once someone has it they die? If there no cure or treatment, why is it hard to treat?
TreatmentAcute bacterial meningitis requires prompt treatment with intravenous antibiotics to ensure recovery and reduce the risk of complications. The antibiotic or combination of antibiotics that your doctor may choose depends on the type of bacteria causing the infection. Often, analyzing a sample of cerebrospinal fluid can help identify the bacteria. If you or your child has bacterial meningitis, your doctor may recommend a broad-spectrum antibiotic until he or she can determine the exact cause of the meningitis.If you or your child has bacterial meningitis, your doctor may recommend treatments for brain swelling, shock, convulsions or dehydration. Infected sinuses or mastoids 鈥?the bones behind the outer ear that connect to the middle ear 鈥?may need to be drained. Any fluid that has accumulated between the brain and the membranes that surround it may also need to be drained or surgically removed.Antibiotics can't cure most viral meningitis, but many cases improve on their own in a week or so without therapy. Treatment of mild cases of viral meningitis is usually with bed rest, plenty of fluids and over-the-counter pain medications to help reduce fever and relieve body aches. If the cause of your meningitis is the herpes virus, your doctor may also recommend an antiviral medication aimed at this virus.
Yes, all types of bacterial meningitis can be cured with antibiotics.The problem is that some types, such as meningococcal meningitis, can come on extremely quickly. Someone can be perfectly well one minute and then near death within a couple of hours.If someone is suspected to have bacterial meningitis it is a medical emergency, because even a few minutes' delay in treatment can make a huge difference to how well they recover.
I can only relate this to my personal experience. My ex husband had bad headaches, fainted on the floor so I took him to the ER. They admitted him thinking he had bacterial meningitis. The doc came in and said they wanted to do a spinal tap on him and he freaked. So the doc and I went outsdie to talk. He told me that if he does have bacterial and if it doesn't get diagnosed and treated in 24 hours, he could be dead. I told him to go in and tell him this. The spinal tap occurred. He had viral meningitis and they put him in isolation and major antibiotics.Now with my experience of my disease that I have for I am immune suppressed, I had to use an infection control doctor only 2 times in 10 years. They are excellent at their specialty and most people don't even know they exist.
There is treatment, many antibiotics are effective. The problem is that mortality is closely related to how fast they receive the first dose of antibiotics. If they don't reach treatment in time it can be deadly. Even with prompt treatment brain damage is not an uncommon complication.

Is the "Tuberculosis Patient" liable for endangering?

If an individual has a known deadly decease and chooses to put others in direct or indirect contact with the decease, should they be held respondsible/accountable? This goes way beyond TB. Example, AIDS, STD's, Hepatidous etc..If people die, is the "Patient" respondsible? If someone sneaks back into a country when told they are NOT to fly, where is the accountablility? Why are these actions accepted?
The patient could probably be criminally charged or sued in civil court if it turns out he has infected someone during his flights. However, he said he's not been coughing so he probably has not infected anyone else. In most cases, it takes quite of bit of close contact to contract TB from someone, such as when people live or work together.
I don't think there is a legal case until someone is actually harmed (sick). There are laws against knowingly infecting another with AIDS.
No it is not against the law to travel with TB. It should be a law and the person should be held responsible. Sometimes this world is pretty stupid huh!
He's a lawer, so he's not stupid, he said they didn't want him to fly, but he said he would wear a mask (which he didn't do) so he knew he posed a risk to everone around. I don't believe they told him he could fly with a mask, just what he said. He still didn't wear one so that is moot. Yes he can be charged.
Yes he should be held responsible

Is Sweet & Low a no no for diabetics?

Sweet %26 Low is perfectly fine for diabetics. In fact Sweet %26 Low, Splenda, Equal, and other such artificial sweetners are perfect sugar substitutes for those with Diabetes. I worked in a nursing home, and ALL of my diabetic patients used these artificial sweetners.
as opposed to sugar it's def a healthier substitute.
If it is, I'm in trouble. I love Sweet n Low. I use it all the time.Seriously, no. It's fine for diabetics to use, just like Equal or Splenda. Personally, I can't stand Splenda. Sweet n Low is my top preference, with Equal being second. I will drink something unsweetened before I use Splenda. Yuck!!EMT
Sweet %26 Low is a perfectly acceptible sugar substitute for diabetes. But some people cannot use it, such as myself. I am a diabetic but can't use that because it gives me really bad headaches. Found out that sacchrine (which is in it) causes me to have a bad reaction in the forms of whomping headache. Fortunately, there is Equal and Splenda, which I can use. In fact, these are much better for a diabetic than real sugar. But you have to watch the amount that you use and don't overdo it.
Sweet %26 Low is fine for diabetics. diabetics have to watch their carb intake and sweet %26 low has no carbs. same with most other artificial sweetners like splenda and equal.
Sweet %26 Low formerly known as Saccharin was used in diet products such as soft drinks during the 70's and peaked in 1977. Studies in laboratory rats during the early 1970s linked saccharin with the development of bladder cancer. For this reason, Congress mandated that further studies of saccharin be performed and required that all food containing saccharin bear the following warning label: "Use of this product may be hazardous to your health. This product contains saccharin, which has been determined to cause cancer in laboratory animals." Subsequent studies in rats showed an increased incidence of urinary bladder cancer at high doses of saccharin consumption, especially in male rats. However, mechanistic studies (studies that examine how a substance works in the body) have shown that these results apply only to rats. Human epidemiology studies (studies of patterns, causes, and control of diseases in groups of people) have shown no consistent evidence that saccharin is associated with bladder cancer incidence. Sweet %26 Low (Saccharin) may be a sugar subtitute, but it is not without risk. Personally I wouldn't recommend Sweet %26 Low to anyone, instead I would recommend the use of the artifical sweetner Splenda instead. Today the leading sugar substitutes are Aspartame and Splenda.
if u visit this site u can get good answers.
no it is a sugar subtatue. IT will nit make you run sugar.
I personally don't like sweet %26 low for its content in saccharin, which is known to cause cancer in rats. This warning used to be on the label years ago. Instead try brown sugar, equal, splenda or even a teaspoon of honey.

Is surgery on eyes very effective?

My mother had it and she never wears her glasses anymore
for some, your eye dr. can tell you if you are a good candidate or not
I knew someone with cataracts and had very blurred vision. After surgery, it was near 20/20.
I assume you are taking about Lasik, or something similar? I have a friend who had that done and she saw perfectly without glasses for about a year, and then had to go back to wearing glasses again, as her eyes started worsening. I think only a dr. can tell you if you are a good candidate or not.
Yes it is. I had lasix surgery done on both eyes, went from wearing glasses for 17 years to near perfect vision the next day. Have your eye doctor evaluate you if thinking of having surgery as not all people are candidates
If you are talking about vision correction surgery, it's been effective for a whole lot of people. Of course, there's always somebody who has a bad result, but that's few and far between.If you are talking about one of the multiple other eye surgeries, you'll have to give us more info.
Yes, but only if you're a good candidate. Go see an optometrist to see if you qualify.
I Had Lasir surgery for Glaucoma and also cataracts re-moved. now, I see Beautifully and it was not bad at all. I see my doctor every 6 months so he can check the pressure. (my surgery was done about 2 years ago.) The pressure is good, always around 16 or 18 in both eyes. You go ahead and have it done.%26gt;%26gt;I Promise you won't be sorry, I'm Sure. ( I am 74 )

Is surgery for plantar fasciitis for a 13 year old the right choice after many months of treatment?

After many months it did go away but came back much worse about 2 months later. I am still wearing my splints and do the streches.
When I was 13 suffering from that well as a few other foot problems. The dr prescribed me arches, and made me do the exercises. I defintely thought about surgery, except he suggested I wait until my growth plate in my foot stopped growing, and boy am I ever glad I waited. I still have the pain and I still have to do stretches and wear inserts but it isn't even as half as bad as it was at that age. Give it time until its unbearable and ask your dr if its something you may "outgrow"
It depends on what your docter says, because my mom is 36 and she tore her ACL, and MCL, and asked the doc if she should get a knee replacement, and he said no, because she would have to get another one in 5-7 yrs., so it depends!!
See a good physical therapist. (Or see him/her again.) Some people end up needing the surgery, but I got rid of the pain by taking my PT's advice: wearing the proper shoes (boring shoes, for the most part, but I'll trade fashion for lack of pain), wearing the orthotics (prescription insoles) in the shoes, and doing the exercises. It took a good while, though.

Is sunscreen necessary when wanting a tan?

Do I have to use sunscreen even though I want a tan?
Will I get a tan if I use suscreen?
Yes to both questions. No sunscreen makes the sun's rays "beat down" on you and can cause skin cancer. No matter how bothersome it is, please use it--it could literally save your life.

Is sun good or bad for vitiligo?

I'm getting mixed responses from various doctors.
Its neither good nor bad, depending on which way YOU want to look. The sun will tan the areas unaffected by Vitiligo, thereby making the areas affected more noticeable! To my knowledge and I did look this up for a friend, if you use sun cream, use it on every part of the exposed skin. Personally I admire any person with Vitiligo who ignores the problem and just be themselves. However I have Psoriasis and being ones self I know from experience can be tough.
Try visiting this website: www.DermaBest.comThey have developed a treatment for regaining pigmentation in cases of vitiligo. The product is called NOVITIL and when you apply it on the affected areas of your skin, you have to expose the treated parts under the sun for about 30 minutes (if I still remember). That's according to the instructions. My son is going to try this product, too.

Is sudafed (sinus dec. )also pain reliever against headache?

hi alli m taking sudafed for sinus congestion.
when i started taking it i had also severe headache,but now after taking sudafed headache-pain completely went away.
my question is - is sudafed also pain reliever (against headache) or it just helps with sinuses?
It may help the headache by releiving the sinus congestion. But it does not contain a pein reliever. Unless you buy the Sudafed with headache relief.
it just helps with sinuses. I know this because all of relatives are in the medical industry.
it relieves the pressure caused by congestion
No but yet it has an expectorant that will dry you up the relief from the headace was probably not cause by allergies. Yet sudafed does hace proberties not from pain relief but to block histamines
Well it not, and than again it is, but only for a sinus headache, it has expectorant in it this drys up the congestion and the congestion relieve the pressure and the headache goes away, but the minute you get congestion, it comes back. Do not try this for a regular headache.
No, there is no pain reliever in Sudafed. If at some time the Sudafed does not completely take away your headache, take it with some Ibuprofen, which is an anti-inflammatory.If you continue to have these symptoms for longer than 3 days or if they get worse, you need to see your doctor because you probably have a sinus infection. If you leave a sinus infection untreated, it can lead to an ear infection and possibly hearing loss.

Is Suana Belt helpful in in reducing the tummy bulge?

I have been on a an almost fat-free, sugar free and carborate free diet for the last 3 months. I have lost 6 kilos. But the potbelly look persists. I am 71 years and a diabetic and have undergone heart bypass surgery.
Do not buy a sauna belt. It is a scam! And dangerous as well. Many people have been seriously burned by them.
You shouldn't use that, especially if you are a diabetic - because of your circulation you are less likely to feel if you are getting burned. And there is no proof that those things even work.

Is Suana Belt helpful in in reducing the tummy bulge?

I have been on a an almost fat-free, sugar free and carborate free diet for the last 3 months. I have lost 6 kilos. But the potbelly look persists. I am 71 years and a diabetic and have undergone heart bypass surgery.
With a sauna belt, the only thing you will loose is your money. Don't bother. You would do better by signing up with a personal trainer.
No it is not. It is also dangerous especially when you consider that you have thinner skin and are diabetic. In can cause serious burns. I do not recommend buying one at all. Diet alone will not get rid of your tummy bulge. You should try walking if you are able.
Suana belt is useless
Have you been checked for Cushings syndrome ?
Read up on it a bit.
I am not sure how much a kilo is but it sounds like a lot.
Congrats on doing such a great job !

Is Stripeptin a really good product to remove stretch marks? if not then what is the best solution?

no dont waste money on any of those expensive creams. Just keep skin well moisturized.
is that what its called? I think you are spelling it wrong. Don't believe in that crap anyway.

Is spinal menigitis contagious?

I have recently met a guy that has spinal menigitis, he got it when he was 19, now he's 26, and still has it. He has to get iv meds every 6 weeks, and is having vision problems from time to time. I was told he is not contagious, but after reading some info on menigitis, I am a bit concerned. I have 2 kids ages 7 %26 3 that he has been around, is this dangerous? Any help would be great!
Yes, it can cause infertility in boys!!
Most people who have this condition end up dying very quickly. I'm very surprised that he's had it for 7 years...Is he sure its spinal meningitis? Perhaps you should look at his medical records or something or maybe do a background check on him even. I learned from a clinic at my university that this condition is contagious and that anyone who comes in contact with someone who has it, has a high chance of contracting it.
It is contagious, but people that get it usually do not live very long. Are you sure that it is what he says? 7 years is a long time to have it.
Are you sure he has Meningitis? I don't believe I've ever heard of a chronic case of meningitis. But assuming he does have that then you should know that meningitis is a symptom rather than a disease. Whether it's contagious or not depends on what causes it, there's bacterial meningitis, viral, and fungal. All of which can be treated. If it was contagious he'd probably be in a hospital being treated, and he ought to mention it.No matter what it is, chronic conditions are rarely contagious. The only ones that are, are STDs. Which are contagious in a sense. Hopefully not in any way that would effect your children.

Is someone who drinks at least a twelve pack of beer a day an alcoholic?

Actually that's on the week nights, the weekends are more because he starts at 11:00 AM. He also seems to get meaner verbally as he drinks.
If they deny they have a problem, and would have great difficulty not drinking for any extended period of time (2 days, 1 week, 1 month), yes. If he is hurting those around him, yes. If he needs the alcohol to function and needs it to face relationships and needs it, yes.A 12 pack of beer a day is expensive, and I think is definitively binge drinking (anything over 5 drinks a day is, if I am not mistaken). No adult should be drinking more than 1 drink a day if they want to be healthy.I would say that you need to find him help as soon as possible. If he is not ready to help, or becomes abusive when you suggest it, then there is a big problem and is very likely an alcoholic. I have included the website for AA below. Visit it, find a meeting, and go together!
Oh, yes...
yep that spells alchie to me
I would say yes.
yep...what ya got there is a world-class drunkard.get the fool some help, and don't let the fool drive. he might hurt somebody who is worthwhile.
yes i would say they are a alcoholic
Definitely.. If one cannot go without alcohol and is dependent on it - their alcoholics.
I'd say yes.
well suppose it depends on how you define alcoholism. But, your liver will take a tremendous amount of damage and will quit functioning early in life for that person.
definitly. try to see if he can go without it. his reliance is what would define him as an alcoholic.
OMG Yes!
Yes, and he won't live too old at that rate.
No.It's an early death waitiing to happen.
no question about it, yes. when it is daily and affects your personality yes.
Oh geesh yes!! a social drinker is one who drinks just on any social gathering. That is like me. I only drink a few times a year myself. This person needs help...they have a problem.
Alcoholism, at least what I've learned, isn't about what or how much someone's about the need to drink. An alcoholic feels drawn to it... There are alcoholics that only drink one per day and then there are others that drink more than a fish.I would suggest getting far away from this person, if they don't listen to your concerns...
No, they are a drunk. An alcoholic goes to meetings
most likely
Hell yeah. That is not healthy. They need help. I especially hate mean drunks.
i don't think so but i'm sure a doctor would disagree with me cuz i'm no doctor i'm just a drunk
if he's done that for more than 2 weeks straight then YES its a daily addiction

Is smoking pot bad for your lungs?

I am assuming so.
Yes it is bad. It is smoke. All of those "scientific reports" claiming that pot is good for you and cigarettes are bad. That is just a bunch of pot heads sitting around trying to justify smoking pot.
smoking anything is badimage smoke inside ur lungs!
i dunno but i need to know i smoke alot
Yeah, and bad for your: heart, brain, kidneys.
Any kind of smoke is bad for your lungs, so, yes.
only if your lungs dont like gettin high
Well it does have tar in it that makes what people call resin in pipes and stuff but it doesn;t have all the chemicals that are in cigarettes
yes it is damaging to them. That is why people who smoke in general receive such shortness of breath in there daily lives. In essence, they can't perform well in any sports either.
haha are you serious? yes! its inhaling smoke..thats not good for you. at all.
generallyspeaking inhaling anything besides ordinary air is bad for your lungs and usually some other organs as well..
smoking pot is bad for everything don't do it!!!
LungsMarijuana affects your lungs the same way cigarettes do, and worse. Click here to see how cigarettes harm your lungs. Remember, some people say that someone who smokes marijuana (in joints) five times per week might be bringing in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes one pack of cigarettes every day. People who smoke marijuana over a long period of time are also more likely to get chronic bronchitis or pneumonia (pronounced "na-MOAN-ya") than people who don't smoke.
Smoking pot is 3 times worse than smoking cigarettes.
Duh. Putting anything foreign in your lungs is bad and can potentially cause cancer.
Well DUH! Second hand smoke is harmful, and if that is harmful, smoking has to be too!
Nooooooooooo....smoking is really good 4 health.its just accompanied by lung diseases.cancers.prematu... babies..and men can be continue to smoke!!...I won't!!
It is bad not only for your lungs, but it can lead to addiction, which is a terrible thing to happen. It will affect your health in many other ways. Quit while there is still time.
Very much so! When I quit after heavy use for 10 yrs I coughed up so much black shiit I cant even explain it. It was foul. And it has been proven to be 10 times more cancerous than cigarettes.

Is smoking hookah good for you?

No but it isn't as bad as other methods of smoking, the healthiest way to smoke is to use a vaporizer, no smoke, just vapors and it is the most effective way and you get the most high for your buck.
It is certainly not "good" for you, and some recent studies are showing that it is just as bad as smoking cigarettes.
There is no form of smoking anything which could be classified as 'good' for you.
actually there was a study published that demonstrated that the myth of hooka beign bening smoke due to the mechanism of the device is not true, on the contrary it demostrated that the smoker or hooke actually sustained more damage to their lungs than regular smokers, that is not to say that smoking anything is good

Is smoking hookah as dangerous as smoking cigs?

I read this article online and I personally do not think so because the tobacco in hookah is natural. Please read article before answering.
Don't believe the hype.
If the government and big pharm have their way, we won't be allowed to smoke anything at all.
Natural tobacco is much safer than what is in cigs %26 you can't go
wrong with water filtration.
More or less, a hooka is a "social smoking device", or a water bong for multiple users.
Smokem if ya gottum.
I dont think it is. Its natural and doesnt have all the cig additives.

Is smoking good for my health? Also will it make me look big hard cool or clever?

Simple stuff really, smoking is the second commonest cause of death in the world today, the first is infectious disease. Also 50% of todays current smokers will die as a result of their habit.
It won't make you look hard.Smokers suffer from erectile dysfunction at earlier ages than non-smokers.
And sophisticated.
NOOOO OMG people are always saying that its bad on the news tv news paper where in the hell did you get that idea you must like some elementry kid or something...
Smoking is bad. You know that. Try other ways to be cool like a hobby.
smoking is bad for you health, the only women you pull are the ugly ones, thats about it really
No, no no and no.
All true.
Smoking is an excellent tonic for the one will dare look u in thr eye if they see u with a *** hanging from your lips, you'll look so tough...Keep up the good work...make sure u take your daily dose...20 a day benson and hedges will see u in good stead.
At one time, there were some experimental studies suggesting that nicotine might prevent Alzheimer's disease. This appears to have been refuted (see this link:
No, and No!
well it worked for me.
No...No...No...No...and...No.Smoking will however make you look yellow...pasty...wheezy...smel... confused.
No smoking is bad for your health and not to mention bad on your teeth and makes your breath and clothes stink to high heaven. And no it doesn't make you look big hard cool or clever. Its looks like some one who wants to be sent to their grave early and its also makes you look stupid. Besides who would want to kiss a ash tray!?
You will look hard as it wrinkles yer skin.. bless. lol
Are you kidding? Just read the warning on the package. Smoking can kill you.It does not make you look big hard cool or clever. It makes you look foolish and smell like an ash tray. Plus your clothes and hair will also smell like an ashtray. Put your money into a gym membership- that may make you look big , hard and cool. Clever is somthing you need to work on.
man you did not just ask that
no its not good for your health
and im a smoker
its not going to make you cool
nor clever
Of course it will!! Dont listen to all these killjoys you go ahead and smoke. (Sorry im just sick of the anti-smoking,drinking,eating,b... brigade having a go all the time).
No times 5. Smoking sucks, its a drag to quit. Stop if you've started; and dont start again if you've stopped...
Smoking is FANTASTIC for your health. You see the more you smoke the more you get to see the doctor, you know when your going to be checked for CANCER so at least you can waste the doctors time, through no fault of your own! It helps your skin age really well a nice tram line effect. Smoking is like breathing in fresh air your lungs love the way they inflame coz of all the toxins they get. DONT YOU JUST LOVE THOSE PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE MOST FANTASTIC QUESTIONS TO ASK. XXX
Ha! No, but thanks for the sarcasm! It compliments my chardonnay...
Smoking is very bad for your eyes,it can affect your vision. It also bad for your skin it wont make you look hard or cool . It will make you look stupid and there will be a smell of you, and that is not nice.
Don't be bloody silly it willl give you lung cancer and you will die
No it'll make you look old, smell like a pub ashtray then all the non smoking babes won't come near you, you'll cough your lungs up every day and you'll be permanently skint! Not a good look, and it'll cost you a fortune in warm clothes as you'll be spending half the time outside, having a ciggy with your fellow nicotine addicts!
So big no! Hard no it'll affect your virility! Cool definitely not! Clever, you must be having a laugh!!
Smokin is Nasty!
NOPE! You'll be putting your life in jeopardy as well as the life of others. I am an asthma sufferer since 1994 at the age of 23. I got it from the burning of sugar cane and the burning of trash that happens in my country. Just today I went to my specialist. The burning of the Florida wildfires has caused a relapse. My lungs are working at 73% capacity and the tests show "possible begining stages of emphysema". YOU KIDDING ME? I'M 36 YEARS OLD! I have NEVER smoked a day in my life. Now what's happening to me is THE SAME THING that happens to a smoker and people who inhale second hand smoke. What will make YOU look BIG, BAD, HARD, COOL and CLEVER is to STAY AWAY FROM THE STUFF. In the long run, you'll be grateful that you enjoyed your life to the fullest and did not subject your lungs or your loved ones to such torture.
YES x 5
Your heading for lung cancer.
smoking is not good at all. it dont make you look anything but foolish, it can cause so many illnesses no matter what your age, strokes are one of them
most teenagers do it through peer pressure

Is smoking cigars once or twise a month bad?

Like being pregnant, a person is either a smoker or he's not. Being a smoker carries incerdible health risks. Cigar smoke is no less deadly and dibilitating than cigarrette smoke.
As we get older we need to take better care of ourselves. The family of Peter Jennings and MANY other people who've died of smoking related diseases will tell you that smoking is like kissing your murderer... the killer who will either kill you outright, or rob you of a few healthy years you can have with your loved ones. Either way, it's not worth it... even if it tasted or smelled better than it does.
no its not bad now if you smoked 1 everyday mybe but if you just smoke 1 or 2 a month its not bad at all
Even though people smoke cigars for different reasons, the fact is, like cigarettes, cigars can become addictive. Nicotine is the substance in tobacco that causes addiction. Most cigars have as much nicotine as several cigarettes. One cigarette has about 1 to 2 milligrams of nicotine, while many popular brands of cigars will contain between 100 and 200 milligrams, or as even many as 444 milligrams of nicotine.
If cigar smokers inhale, nicotine is absorbed as rapidly as it is with cigarettes. For those who do not inhale, it is absorbed more slowly through the lining of the mouth. The smoke of cigars dissolves more easily in saliva than cigarette smoke. Therefore, the desired dose of nicotine can be achieved without the need to inhale the smoke into the lungs. People who use oral tobacco products absorb nicotine the same way. Both inhaled and non-inhaled nicotine are highly addictive. Cigar smoking increases your risk of death from several cancers, including: lung
oral cavity (lip, tongue, mouth, throat)
esophagus (the tube connecting the mouth to the stomach)
larynx (voice box) Studies have shown that male cigar smokers are 4 to 10 times more likely to die from oral and laryngeal cancers than nonsmokers. In addition, when saliva containing cigar smoke chemicals is swallowed, the esophagus is exposed to carcinogens (cancer-causing agents). The death rate from esophageal cancer is several times higher in male cigar smokers than in males who have never smoked. If you inhale, cigar smoking appears to be linked to death from cancer of the pancreas and bladder, as well. The study also found that for those cigar smokers who inhale, the risks are increased for other types of cancer. Compared to nonsmokers, cigar smokers who inhale deeply: are 6 times more likely to die from oral cancer
are 39 times more likely to die from cancer of the larynx
face more than twice the risk of death from pancreatic cancer
face more than 3 times the risk of death from bladder cancer
Not if your Monika Lewinski!
I dont think its bad at all because you do not exhale it through your lungs. You just keep the smoke in your mouth
Smoking no matter how often is bad for you and just having the smoke in your mouth can cause cancer there as well. Would you happily breath in smoke from a fire one or twice a month? Same thing!!
%26lt;%26gt;Smoke 'em if you got 'em. I smoke about 1 cigar a week. I an not addicted to them, some times I go for months without smoking 1. The bottom line is everything is bad for you if you do enough of it. Moderation is the key. Do what you like, don't let the smoking Nazis tell you how to act. If you please, or even worse, appease them now, what's next? My only recommendation is, buy good cigars. for 1-2 a month buy the best you can afford. $5-10 for a cigar is not too much when you use them as a gift to yourself.
I smoke only when having a drink, so i'm on 20 bottles a day!! No, seriously, I will embrace the no smoking laws next month because I won't be bothered to go outside of a pub/bar and have a puff and that will be an end to it for me.
Any smoke drawn into the lungs will have long-term effects and you know it... So stop if you want to, carry on if you don't - it's your health so be happy in what you choose to do with it.
Not very bad for you, but a right pain in the butt for other people who have to put up with the stink.

Is smallpox curable??

How is smallpox treated?There is no known cure for smallpox. Once symptoms develop, treatment consists of giving the person fluids to prevent dehydration and medication to reduce fever and pain.To prevent the spread of the virus, an infected person must be kept away from other people until he or she is no longer contagious.Can smallpox infection be prevented?People who have survived smallpox have a lifelong immunity to the variola virus.When given in advance of exposure, smallpox vaccine-made from the similar but safer vaccinia virus-will likely protect you from smallpox infection for at least 3 to 5 years, but the actual time is unknown. Revaccinating protects for at least 10 to 20 more years.2 Currently, most of the U.S. population has not been vaccinated in the past 10 years and therefore is susceptible to smallpox infection.When given within 3 days of a suspected exposure, the smallpox vaccine can prevent or significantly lessen the severity of smallpox symptoms in most people; vaccination 4 to 7 days after exposure may offer some protection from the disease or may lessen its severity.3 In the past, when a smallpox infection was diagnosed, the spread of infection was best prevented by isolating the infected person. All potentially exposed people were then vaccinated to prevent spread of infection. This practice, called ring vaccination, played a key role in eradicating smallpox.In early 2001, the United States government increased its preparedness for a smallpox outbreak and took steps to expand its vaccine stockpile. Since the September 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S., vaccine production has increased. The United States has enough smallpox vaccine to vaccinate Americans in an emergency.3
well there isnt a cure but there a antibotic
Yes and No.Yes, most smallpox strains are curable AND treatable.However...Some strains have been "weaponized", dormant, or mutated and resist most drugs to cure the disease out right, however most lf the time the symptoms can be treated, but curing depends on the person.Smallpox in it's historically deadliest form which ravaged Europe from 800 AD - 1700 AD, and Native American populations from 1500 - 1900 AD, is dead and gone, the only strain of any disease to be done so. But other strains that were local and/or too deadly to spread efficiently have now been aquired by nations for bio-warfare, or moved about the world as a result of easier and quicker transportation. These are the buggers we are having problems with.

Is sleeping with your head facing north good?

why wouldn't be?
It makes no difference whatsoever. Myth
depends on where the bed is.
yea b-cuz if u cchoke u won't die
That is what they say. But I have money. Is it enough to buy a $500 TV. Well it is some money but what does that mean.So my question is how much better is haed to the Noth. Is it 1,000 times better and you will live to 5,000 years old. Or is it 2% better. If it is not a hassle, it can't hurt.
I do remember hearing something about the direction in which you sleep affecting your health in the long run but don't remember all of it. Its got something to do with aligning your body with the Earth's magnetic field. Unfortunately I cannot remember if its good or bad. I am sure there must be someone else who got to have heard it or read it somewhere. Good luck. Do let me know if you get a good reply.

Is sleeping 8 hours straight better than sleeping 8 hours throughout the day?

8 straight hours is much better because you get more REM sleep
Sleeping 8 hrs straight is definetly better because u are not stopping and starting your sleep, meaning that you get a long stretch of sleep. This allows your body to fully recuperate from any exhaustion occurred and prevents discomfort
if you break it up so that you are not allowing yourself to get into the deep "REM" sleep your body and brain will not function right
Well by most doctors they say it is better to have 8 direct hours of sleep compared to having it spread out over a day or so, but it also depends on what works better for you, I would say from my own experance, I get a ruff 4 hours of sleep at night, then i take a mid-day nap for four hours and its like a re charge, but my girlfriend sleeps 8 hours straight and she is at the same level of energy that I have, so its matter of I hope this helps, and it needs a best answerJ/K
As a person who suffers from a sleep disorder, I would say traditionally that 8 hours of straight sleep would be considered "normal-healthy sleep", however those of us who don't fit that mold take our sleep time when we can. I can sleep 15 minutes and have been confirmed to get into my REM sleep state within that time and totally wake refreshed, but that is only a day or two at a time, then your body plays "catch up" and I can sleep 16 1/2 straight and wake feeling like I have never slept. I try to get a minumum of 7-8 hours straight sleep a night, but the outcome is never the same, some rested wakings, some not. So If you fall in this category, see a Pulmonologist. He can rule out things that may interfere with your sleep pattern, such as Asthma, or sleep apnea, and do sleep study testing , and tell you what is the best way to get a good nights rest.

Is skin pain part of having the FLU?!?!?! Please help...?

Yesterday I was feeling skin pain on my back. It is the type where it feels really sensitive, and when you rub it against something it would really hurt.Today it got worst, just an hour ago I woke up from a nap only to feel cold (shivering under my blanket), weak, dizzy and my brother said I feel warm, so i guess it is obvious I have the flu. But never in my life have I had the symptom of skin pain during a flu, and friends say they get it sometimes. Is this true? Is skin pain one of the symptoms of a flu, or can this be something worse?
A doctor can treat you if you have a bacterial infection but if it's viral, all they can do is give you some meds to help make you comfortable ~ you have to let the viral problems run their course.When I have the flu, I hurt all over, too, yours just settled in your back this time. Munch on ice if your stomach is too upset to hold very much and that will help slow down dehydration. Try to drink Sprite or Ginger Ale and eat saltines or pretzels to help you hold the fluid in your body (the salt is needed). That will hopefully keep your electrolytes in balance so you don't pass out when you get up. You can take Tylenol for the pain but if you need more, see your doctor.Good luck to you ~ hope you get to feeling better soon.
When I have the flu EVERYTHING hurts! Even my eyeballs. So your skin hurting does not surprise me at all. Get plenty of rest and fluids. Hope you feel better soon!
Why would you think it is OBVIOUSLY the Flu?Go to and type in "skin pain".Maybe it'll shine a light on your condition then go see a Doctor
This sounds like a similar viral infection that I had suffered with this year...
I would go check with your doc. They can give antiviral meds to help your ailments.
Hope you get better real soon!
Seems pretty normal. Remember flu strains change all the time so your symptoms will probably not be exactly the same. If you start feeling better but the back of your neck still hurts get it checked out. I doubt it is anything serious, get well soon.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is skin cancer a product of our evolutionary misjudgement?

Why don't animals get skin cancer? They have no clothes on to protect them from radiation. Is their fur protecting them?
Lately I have started to think that millions of years ago mankind did not have problems with radiation from the Sun but as we started wearing clothes to protect us from the cold, we lost the body hair and an eventually our immunity to the radiation was reduced to a point where we are now very vulnerable. Clothes are as unnatural as artificial sugar.
Incidentally, darker people in Africa have less cases of skin cancer and I attribute that to the fact that they have been wearing less clothing than the rest of the world population and their immunity has not been been affected as much, at least so far.
Any thoughts?
Animals do get skin cancer, as a previous poster noted, but it's either not treated or not commonly discussed (not really a great cocktail party topic!). Part of the reason that skin cancer seems so prevalent lately is that people are diagnosed more often now and there is more to diagnose. Our grandparent's generation spent very little time sunbathing and when they did, their suits were very concealing. People expose more skin more often now. The increasing incidence of skin CA in younger people supports this.
As for Africans, their increased pigment protects them from the dangerous UV rays, preventing them from penatrating into the cell and damaging the DNA, causing the mutation that results in skin CA. The darker your "natural" skin tone, the less risk you have. However, Africans still do get and die from skin CA.
Most animals do.When you speak of Evolution -- speak for yourself...
Nice thought, but there's a problem. Animals get skin cancer it's just not treated. You are correct in your assumption that fur blocks some radiation (just look at a guy who has shaved his head recently, the skin is all white - less exposure) so there is some basis to your conclusion. The problem is that the sun, while a factor in cancer resulting from damaged skin, is not the only source of impact to someones disposition to getting cancer. Cancer is a part of our existence, and the main reason we, as a species, will never be able to live forever, even as our medicine improves. To simplify it, think of cancer as a computer glitch. Any computer, left to run long enough, will experience a glitch, the DNA in your cells acts like a "computer" and given a long enough time-line will eventually make a mistake. These "mistakes" are the basis of what we call cancer. Some people have a computer they use in a dirty dusty shop (like a human smoker) that never has a problem, some have a computer in a climate-controlled office (like someone who stays out of the sun, minimizes exposure to asbestos and other chemicals) and crashes (gets cancer) anyway.Losing our hair as a species has increased our exposure to one of the catalysts of cancer, but it wasn't an immunity.Sun screen for the win!Keep thinking about science, it just might save our species someday!

Is Shingles contagious?

My friend has Shingles and sometimes she drinks out of my drink but she doesn't put her mouth on it (like a bottle of soda and tips it to pour into her mouth)..I hope it isn't contagious in anyway.
No. Shingles is not contagious. If you had NOT had the chicken pox, however, you could get the chicken pox from contact with your friend.p.s. Regardless of this fact, it really is not a good idea to share sodas. She could transfer other illnesses to you unwittlingly (or visa versa).
Shingles is herpes.I'd tell her to get her own soda.
I don't think it is to people who have had the chicken pox or be vaccinated for them.
yes very
The answer to your question is yes. However, the only part that is contagious are the liquid droplets. Don't get them on yourself or you'll be sorry.
No. I don't belive shingles are contagious. i have had them when I was 16. I have also had chicken pox young. The doctor told me shingles is a form of that virus that lays dormant until "activated".. Usually prevelant in older people. Very dibilitating and painful. i wish you luck. it took me about 3 weeks to feel good. I guess it's a virus.
Shingles just like the chicken pox is a strain of the herpes virus and is contagious!!! Most people that do not get chicken pox as children end up getting Shingles as adults and it is a lot more serious. You would most likely have to come in contact with one of the sores to catch it, but I would be careful anyway.
god the answers in this place sometimes are so knee jerk and INCORRECTNO...shingles are NOT contagious..shingles are a reaction in the body to left over varicella virus..only contagious if one has never had the chicken poxbut yes most ppl have had chicken pox in their lifetime
First of all no shingles are not contagious.
So don't worryShingles are caused by the same virus as chicken pox -- Herpes Zoster. Herpes zoster like other forms of herpes virus lie dormant in your spinal column and can become active again at any time.The virus can be activated by stress factors, fatique, poor health etc. and can re- occur at anytime.Most folks think that if you had chicken pox you won't get shingles. This is actually quite the opposite. Remember Herpes Zoster is the chicken pox virus! If you have never had chicken pox you can/may catch them from a person who has shingles
Shingles are contagious, to persons that have not previously had chicken pox, as long as there are new blisters forming and old blisters healing. Once all of the blisters are crusted over, the virus can no longer be spread.
SHINGLES IS CONTAGIOUS!I would NEVER allow anyone to share any drinks w/ me!
You are sharing much more- bodily fluids, viruses and bacterias!Even IF you had the Chicken pox you can still acquire the shingles. In fact, most who do have the shingles have had the chicken pox!
There are many illness associated w/ the virus which causes the shingles, they are all in the HERPES ZOSTER viruses...
Including- herpes, mono (Epstein Barr Virus) , CMV, cox sackie virus (hand foot %26 mouth disease) and many others...I had never had the chicken pox and aquired from a geriatric patient who had the shingles- I then had both the shingles and chicken pox at the same time - inside and out, even had an elious which is serious- it means my system was shutting down- my bladder, liver and intestines all stopped working!I would be cautious if you had been around her at all with in the past days leading up to her illness or until she has been given the "all clear"!You certainly do not want the Shingles!
Hope you do not get them!
Usually people do not have them again until later in life, but it is not uncommon if exposed, if your immune system is slightly compromised or under stress.If you do have any symptoms, get in to a doctor. There are Antiviral meds used now to treat and lessen the severity and length of duration.

Is septicemia be present though blood culture is negative because the patient kept under heavy IV antibiotics?

The patient died because of infection gotten due to poor postoperative care after 15 days after surgery. She was under heavy IV antibiotic throughout all the postoperative period. Blood culture taken two days before death showed no microorganisms in blood. Is it possible that indiscriminate IV antibiotic use suppress the establishment of the fact of septicemia through blood culture?
It would be nice if blood cultures, or for that matter any other test, were that reliable. As it is, blood cultures are more often than not negative in people with sepsis. The best one can hope for is to treat empirically with a high likelihood of getting the antibiotic choices right, and get a little lucky. The cultures done with antibiotics on board will be less likely to be positive, but there's no really practical alternative when you get right down to it. It's a sad fact of medicine that you can do everything right and still have a bad outcome.

Is scleroderma a type of artritis?

we are concern because we were told we have a type of artritis which weakens the muscles in my esophagus and we can't find any type or diseaes except this. if anyone knows of an artritis which affects the esophagus muscles please let me know asap.
Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease of the connective tissue. Autoimmune diseases are illnesses which occur when the body's tissues are attacked by its own immune system. Scleroderma is characterized by the formation of scar tissue (fibrosis) in the skin and organs of the body. This leads to thickness and firmness of involved areas. Scleroderma is also referred to as systemic sclerosis.I dont know if there's an atritis that affects the esophagus muscle but i know that there's a disease known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease it is also called GERD. GERD occurs when the lower muscle of the esophagus does not close properly. The esophagus is the tube that carries food and liquid from the throat to the stomach. This makes the stomach acid and food in the stomach reflux (back up) into the esophagus. When the acid irritates and damages the esophagus, it may cause a burning feeling called heartburn. The muscle in the lower esophagus is called the lower esophageal sphincter.
Scleroderma is a rheumatic disease which should be treated with antibiotics and antiinflammatory medications.Scleroderma can be deadly.NSAIDs like Voltaren, COX-2 inhibitors like Celebrex, acetaminophen like Tylenol, and codeine are all used to relieve the pain of scleroderma.Regular exercise like walking, biking and swimming are also helpful for most patients.Scleroderma patients should consult an Orthopaedist or a Rheumatologist who will order blood tests, joint scans and X-Rays.Are there any other cases of arthritis, scleroderma or rheumatic diseases among your relatives? Scleroderma is usually prevalent in families where a defective gene is passed on by parents to their children.There are a few hundred types of rheumatic diseases. The good news is that science is progressing rapidly in its understanding of rheumatic diseases.Antibiotics are now used to achieve full remissions for at least 65% of patients with scleroderma. For more info, please join our group at:
scleroderma has the symptoms of arthritis but is a complex disease on its own. it is considered a rheumatic disease as lupus and RA. it affects your esophagus through the skin hardening and thus making it harder to swallow foods. some suffer from this illness internally and others show signs externally. it took a whole year for a Dr to diagnose me. see a rheumatologist who can determine if this is the cause.if you have more ?'s feel free to email me.
it is a type of inflammatory rheumatic condition.

Is salaine water good for skin?

Excellent for helping burns and sores heal. I'm not sure about eczema and those types of skin afflictions.
For intact skin? Not really. A good moisturizer would be a better choice. If you have sensitive skin, try a lotion or cream that does not contain a lot of dyes, fragrances or alcohol. Most over-the-counter lotions have all of the above. I would suggest using something like Eucerin cream instead. You can buy it at most stores. Also, you don't have to get the brand name kind. There is usually a jar of the same thing on the shelf without the Eucerin brand name on it that costs several dollars less.
saline water contains 0.86 % sodium chloride (salt) it is recommanded for maintance of osmotic balance of our body alone it maintains osmatic balance but our skin contains other solutes that also helps.if saline is tried for our skin it will shrink our cells depriving our body of fluid so saline water is not good for skin.

Is rosehip scar remover really effective?

and if it is how long will it take to see improvements?
It's like these elixers they fob off on bald men
No, only time helps scarring.
very little efffect. it lightens the color of the scar but still very visible or in other words totally uneffective (ive used it for a month and it took me 2 bottles - i was unsatisfied)i also tried using it to remove the circumcision scar i have on my **** and the natural discoloration on it but to no effecta complete waste of money
Don!t waste your money, just be patient it will fade with time naturally, no shame.
yes no maybe so beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeotchdas right
hm i am skeptical about scar removers and such. First, what type of scar is it? if it's a deep scar like acne scar then forget about it. Nothing can remove and ice pick's there. It can be filled by collagen but heck. If it's just a blemish then it usually goes away. Avoid getting infection since it is more likely to scar.

Is ringworm ichy?

YES YES YES YES- you have to go to the doctor to get it treated, there are no over the counters
Yes, very itchy!
No, you don't feel it at all.and in many cases, you can live with them your whole life without any problems. Some may come out as part of the feces when you do #2. In general, you can't feel them..their just in your intestines helping to digest whatever you've eaten.
Yes, it can be very itchy.
Oh yes! So itchy!
Do one legged ducks swim in circles?Yes, if you are wondering what it looks like, it's red irritated skin that has a flaky appearance and grows in a circular pattern. You can use any over the counter anti-fungal cream (the fungus is similar to jock itch/athlete's foot) to zap that. If it gets any worse, talk to a doctor.
From the answers here it seems to be itchy. I have been fortunate to see it and immediately get a RX for it from the Doctor. I was instructed not to go into the Pool ( where I have contacted ring worm) until it has cleared up. It is contagious. Over the counter you can find Lotrimin AF Cream and there are others as well if you will ask your Pharmacist they are anti-fungal creams, since Ringworm is an fungal infection, they should work well. I personally have not found it to be itchy, and have covered it with the cream immediately, perhaps it gets itchy if not properly taken care of ASAP

Is Rheumatoid arthritis curable?

Help me out with the real answer, you see my aunt has it. And she has two little twin girls and they are only 5 and they have to help her change and move around. I need to know.please help me.
Sorry, it's not curable. But, with the right meds. it is manageable. Talk to your doctor.
no it is not
no, sadly, there is no cure for this. There are new and effective treatments however, and a great many people are benefitting from them.
Sadly No.There are treatments available to help with the pain, which can help to varying degrees.A rhuemetologist will be able to give the best advice, maybe your Aunt could arrange for her doctor to send her to see one in her local area.
No and unfortunately its hereditary. My grandmother, my aunt, and my mom all have it. Plus my best friend who is only 23 got diagnosed with it 2 days ago. Its not curable but it is treatable. There are drugs that help with pain. Sadly my aunt has it the worst. Her hands are deformed by it. Check with a doctor and see about all the treatments and services available.
Unfortunately as many diseases is un curable this rheumatoid arthritis is also INCURABLE ! But there is a hope and new theories are coming up !Genetic engeeniring has some promise to offer good for this disease ! It is a auto immune disease and can be kept under fine control with the help of medicines ! Of course you have to balance the effectiveness of the medicine and its toxicity otherwise some time toxicity of the medicine will take over the charge of the main disease !Any way please do not be feel sorry as it is controllable disease and you aunt can live happily till her terminal stage of life ! Do YOGA and meditation it really helps ! AUTO suggestion is also help ful ! See the site of ramdev yoga and do practice it daily for six month time ! You can not expect result so soon as like magic !But there is a way to live happily with the disease !All have to live with some or other trouble ! Ask her to become religious and her pain part will go !Always YouRsmE
Umm no I have RA and Psoriasis, but if you do find a cure, please let me know.
I have had it for 13 years and no its not curable. I sure wish it was as do my 15 and 11 year old children. I know its hard for your aunt with 5 year olds. She needs lots of rest - that really helps. Also, I spent a number of years looking for the right medications and am doing ok now. I limp because of the pain in one foot but -with this disease it may feel ok tomorrow. Just support her-you sould like a great person.

Is Releev a good treatment for a cold sore?

If not, what is the best treatment to make it go away as soon as possible? Thank you!
Zovirax is by far the best! If you call your doctor and tell him/her that you have a cold sore, I am sure that they will perscribe something without you having to go in. Ask for Zovirax. I get them all the time, and this is the only medicine that seemed to work instantly.
I get them pretty bad twice a year. I've tried many thiongs, but the only thing that seems to work is breaking open a leaf from an aloe vera plant. It will usually go away after a few days.

Is Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome a disease or disability?

I would classify RSD as a syndrome that in some cases causes disability. A syndrome is defined as a set of symptoms (what the patient reports feeling) and signs (what the doctor can notice).Many people also call it a disease, and I tend to agree with that. The only problem terming it as such is that nobody yet knows what the exact pathophysiology of the condition is. defines disease:"1.a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors; illness; sickness; ailment."We know that, for some reason, the nervous system is "disordered" or "incorrectly functioning" in RSD/CRPS. What we don't yet know is exactly why. Someday, it may even turn out that RSD has different causes in different people. This makes sense, given responses of some people and not others to certain treatments.Example: The classical explanation for RSD is that it is a malfunction of the sympathetic nervous system (hence the name). Some patients respond wonderfully to sympathetic nerve blocks (injections that numb the sympathetic nerve chain in a certain area of the body). Others don't respond to sympathetic blocks at all, yet still have all of the symptoms of RSD. It's possible that the same symptoms are caused by different malfunctions in the body. Right now, nobody really knows!Although the symptoms of RSD/CRPS may be very debilitating and disabling, many people recover with treatment, especially if treatment is started quickly after onset of RSD. Others who aren't so lucky may become disabled, some severely so.I've had RSD for over 12 years, and I don't consider myself "disabled" per se. There are some things I can't do, like go mountain climbing or run a marathon. But I do basically everything that most other people do.
Neither. It's a severely disabling condition. Make certain that you get a referral to a chronic pain clinic.
This is the definition.;defl=e...Here's a site from the U.S. government regarding this.

Is quinine and quinidine the same drug?

They might be derived from the same origin, but quinine is in tonic water and helps alleviate muscle cramps and spasms.
no, they are NOT the same drug
Quinine was used for malaria and now more commonly leg cramps.Quinidine is a cardiac anti-arrhythmic but rarely used anymore
if i dun recall learning from science..i think tis the same thing..not totally sure
NO, quinine is an antimalarial drug, and quinidine is an antiarrhythmic drug
call your pharmacist.

Is purepac xanax any good?

Shouldn't be any difference between generic brands or who makes it etc. Alprazolam (Xanax) is still alprazolam. Xanax is very addictive. It is in the benzodiazepine family of drugs.
Never heard of purepac Xanax.

Is pulmanry embolism life threatening?

Pulmonary embolism is a condition that occurs when an artery in your lung becomes blocked. In most cases, the blockage is caused by one or more blood clots that travel to your lungs from another part of your body.Most of these blood clots originate in the legs, but they can also form in the arm veins, the right side of the heart or even at the tip of a catheter placed in a vein. In rare instances, other substances, such as a globule of fat, tissue from a tumor or a clump of bacteria, may lodge in the arteries of the lungs.In most cases, a pulmonary embolism isn't fatal. Still, pulmonary embolism is a leading cause of hospital deaths and an increasing threat to passengers on long airplane flights.
short answer: yes, they can kill. BUT if you have had one and are sitting around wondering if it will kill you, then you will probably be fine since they kill instantly. The big thing to know is that something blocks the blood vessel going to the lungs. If the "something" (usually a blood clot) blocks the blood vessel at the place that it forks so one side goes to the right lung and one side to the left lung, then you have no blood going to you lungs. Thats a problem because if blood doesnt get to the lungs, it cant get oxygen, so it cant bring oxygen to the rest of your body (for example, your brain and heart). No oxygen = dead person. Most often tiny pieces of a clot will break off first and they will lodge somewhere in a small blood vessel in one of the lungs. You dont die from these, but they are a sign that there may be a big clot lurking somewhere that may dislodge and cause a massive and deadly pulmonary embolism if not found and eliminated. If you watch ER or Greys anatomy...on ER a while back Lucy was stabbed, had surgery, and then got really short of breath again and had to have emergency surgery...that second surgery was to fix a pulmonary embolism that she had developed. On Greys anatomy...Denny died of a pulmonary embolus.
absolutely... means you have a clot in the arteries that supply blood (and all that it carries) to the lungs, so they stop functioning. It's more severe if the onset is sudden, like shortness of breath instaled in matter of minutes or so.

Is pseudoephedrine an antidepressant?

I find I am in a better mood when I take my allergy medicine on a regular basis. Is this simply because my allergy symptoms are lightened, or is the pseudoephedrine in my allergy medicine a mild antidepressant?
Pseudoephedrine is indicated for the treatment of: * nasal congestion
* sinus congestion
* Eustachian tube congestion. (Bicopoulos, 2002)Pseudoephedrine is also indicated for vasomotor rhinitis, and as an adjunct to other agents in the optimum treatment of allergic rhinitis, croup, sinusitis, otitis media, and tracheobronchitis. (Bicopoulos, 2002)Pseudoephedrine is also used as first-line therapy of priapism. Erection is largely a parasympathetic response, so the sympathetic action of pseudoephedrine may serve to relieve this condition.Treatment for urinary incontinence is an unlabeled use for these medications. Unlabeled use means doctors can use the medication to treat a condition other than that for which it was first approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These medications are approved by the FDA for the treatment of nasal congestion caused by colds or allergies. However it has also been successful in treating stress incontinence by increasing the pressure (tension) exerted by the muscles of the bladder neck and the urethra, which helps retain the urine within the bladder.
pseudoephedrine is a nasal decongestant, not an antidepressant. Good luck
It's more likely that the sudafed relieves your allergies and simultaneously gives you a little energy boost.
I don't think it is. Having your sinuses clogged is sure to make anyone feel bad. Being able to breathe is definitely sure to pick up your mood!
no. if you want a natural antidepressant try 5-HTP (hydroxythriphtophan) sp? .. also take more B vitamins.
It is not an antidepressant... it is basically a speed pill. It speeds up your metabolism and heart rate and causes you to feel like you are in a better mood. If you live in a state where crank is a rampant problem, you notice that all the pseudoephedrine stuff (sudafed, actifed, claritin) are all behind pharmacy counters now. This is because pseudoephedrine is a key ingredient in meth production. Mild doses make you feel happy and a bit carefree, but also helps you maintain focus. An extreme addiction causes paranoia, tooth loss from repetitively grinding them and just plain old icky drugginess.
No. The above answers are correct except for ahad.

Is Proactiv the best acne treatment for mild ance?

I just started using proactiv like a week ago. So far, I see some improvement. I only have mild acne. You can see it mostly in the sun. How long until my skin looks a lot better?
I had/have mild acne and my friend as well. We both used it and loved it. Worked really well for us. I haven't used the whole line for a while, but I have some repairing lotion left and I'll just put some of that on when I have a problem, and it's better the next day. It will probably take a couple of weeks to a month or so. Just be patient and good luck!!
a couple weeks to a few months depending on how bad it is
my best friend used proactive and she had very mild acne and she had an allergic reaction so i personally feel its for more severe acne. increasing the time you leave it on will not increase the results it will actually have a negative affect like irritation.
read tips on treating acne, skincare and home remedies on this site

Is Polycythemia a curable disease?

Polycythemia vera is a chronic condition that can't be cured. Treatment focuses on reducing your amount of blood cells in order to control signs and symptoms of the disease and decrease the risk of complications.
Polycythemia vera usually develops slowly, and most patients treated appropriately do not experience any problems related to the disease. However, the abnormal bone marrow cells may begin to grow uncontrollably leading to acute myelogenous leukemia. This occurs in a minority of cases.
Patients with polycythemia vera also have an increased tendency to form blood clots that can result in strokes or heart attacks. Some patients may experience abnormal bleeding because their platelets are abnormal.
Please see the web pages for more details on Polycythemia vera.

Is poison ivy contagious URGENT?

my cousin was goin to come over but he got poison ivy can he still come over or is it contagious
It is NOT contagious. Once he has washed all the urushiol (the chemical in the sap that causes the allergic reaction) off his body there's no risk of him giving it to you. He should also wash clothing, shoes and anything else that may have come into contact with the plants. The rash itself is not contagious. The only way you could get it from another person is if they still have some of the oil on their skin and you touch it.
Yes, very much so!!
nope, he can still come over.
The ivy itself is contagious only through physical contact. The oil which causes the skin allergy in most humans can survive for years even after the plant has died. However, if he has washed off the area thoroughly, and he doesn't pick at it, you will be just fine. It is certainly not contagious through the air, so being near him will not hurt you.
Ask your cousin to talk to a doctor and make sure you advise him to in case it is.
i googled it and here is the anwser....
Poison ivy is contagious only by spreading the actual plant oil/resin; the rash itself is not contagious and does not spread. Scratching the rash during the first few days could spread the oil to other parts of the infected person's body, or to another person who might be allergic. A few good showers and a laundry should eliminate the residue of the plant oil.
good luck!
ONLY by touch.
If your cuz's infected area touches a pillow and then you touch the pillow, you'll get it.
It is extremely contagious. It's spread by touch.
Yes, the fluid in the blisters if they are busted are contagious. I gave my brother a terrible case one time. The problem is, it is too irresistible. You have to scratch and bust those blisters!
No it is not contagious. If your cousin has washed the poison ivy oils off, he is unlikely to make you itch. Calamine lotion, Aveeno, benadryl, and cortisone may all help him feel better. He may not be happy, but he is not contagious.

Is Poison Ivy contagious or not?!?

I've been reading all over the internet trying to figure out if poison ivy in contagious or not. My boyfriend got it friday night and his symptoms started sunday morning. Now it's monday night and i spent the entire day with him and know for a fact that my skin contacted his outbreak. I guess I'll find out if it really is contagious at some point in the near future but I'd really like to know before then because I'm totally stressing out! Also, could there be any connection between the poison ivy and the fact that my eyes are bugging me to death? they've been itching like crazy (i haven't been scratching) and they're really dry even after i use eye drops..i hope someone can help me and if you can, thanks in advance!
Only with certain people. Some people can look at poison ivy and break out, while others can roll around in it and never get even a small rash.Also, some people can go years w/o being allergic to it and then aquire an allergy to it later in life.From what I understand, any open wound infected by poison ivy is enough for another allergic person to acquire a rash themselves if they come in contact with that open sore.Hope this helps! And go bet some Ivy-Off at the drugstore, works awesome!
Yes, poison ivy is contagious. That is, until the person has taken a shower. It's weird I know, but that's how it works. One time I had poison ivy really bad and had to go to the doctor, and that's what they said when we asked if it was contagious.But, some people, like my mom, just aren't allergic to poison ivy. Maybe your one of those lucky ones!And yes, it could be why your eyes are really itchy. That was how I first realized I had poison ivy, I woke up and my eyes were driving me crazy, I got up to go to the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and my face was soo swollen with poision was terrible.I hope you don't get it, it really is a pain = /
it is contagious if you are susceptible to catching poison ivy or poison oak. If you have never had it, then chances are you are not going to get it from him, but if you do calamine lotion works great to keep down the itching
The dermatitis you get from poison ivy/oak/sumac is from the allergen. If it is washed away from your boyfriend (took a shower), you cannot get it. If the allergen is still on his body, he can transfer it to you. I doubt that the eye problem is related to the poison ivy unless you have been rubbing your face on your boyfriends lesions. It also sounds like you've had the eye problems longer than your boyfriend had the poison ivy.

Is poisen ivy contagious?

Yes... and no. It is very contagious at first, when the oils from it are still on your skin, clothes, etc. But after constant washing of all the stuff that could have come in contact with the poison ivy oils, you are not contagious. People used to, and still, think that the liquid that oozes out of your sores contained the poison oil, but that is not so, that is just your body's puss as a reaction to the poison.

When rashes appear to spread, it is either a later reaction to the oils then other parts of the skin, or picked up oils from some item of clothing, etc that came in contact with the oils, (This oil can remain poisonous to us for like up to 2 years on objects not washed) or just skin irritation from all the itching in the surrounding areas. Itching the infected area will just give you scars and irritate your skin. I used menthol to keep the itching at bay.
Good luck. :)
I know that poison oak is contageous when you touch another person. Maybe its the same way with poison ivy.

Is Pneumonia contagious?

I'm a caregiver to an elderly woman who has a pneumonia. Just want to really make sure that it is not contagious.
There are two forms of pneumonia. Viral and Bacterial. If she was contagious she would be in the isolation ward of a hospital. If it were that contagious every nurse and doctor would get it and I've never heard of a doctor or nurse to develop pneumonia. Pneumonia however usually starts out as something else, a cold, the flu or some other upper respiratory infection or disease.
it is sorry.
Yes it is very contagious and it depends upon your immune system.Are you under stress? If so that can weaken your immune system.Just take the standard precautions,wash your hands,wash your hands ,wash your hands and try not to get to close to her physically if possible.Otherwise do your best to keep yourself healthly.
its not the pneumonia its self that is contagious but in some cases what caused it is contagious but that can be as little as the flu to us. if it was contagious 3 of my kids would have had it and not just the one plus they would not be put on a ward with other children but in a room on there own and she wasn't she was on a ward with lots of other kids.
No, but it can be deadly for the elderly.

Is pneumonia contagious or dangerous?

My husband is on the lung transplant list and just today someone tells us they have pneumonia.Everyone says it is not contagious but in this case where my husbands immunity is lessened are the germs associated with this a threat and should he stay away from her as she seems to think its okay and it is not contagious to be around her.Reguardless taking chances is not waht we choose to do and we are staying away anyway.
Yes - certain viruses that can lead to pneumonia are contagious.Every day people breathe in different types of bacteria, viruses or other germs. In general, it is nothing to worry about as our immune systems usually kill off these germs.
People often have small amounts of germs in their nose and throat. These germs can be passed on through sneezing, coughing or contact, such as hugging or kissing.
Some of these germs are contagious and they can multiply and cause lung infections, leading to pneumonia. Pneumonia is not always caught in this way as occasionally an infection is carried to the lungs by the bloodstream or moves to the lungs directly from the infected area. A wide range of germs, including streptococcus, haemophilus, klebsiella, legionella, and tuberculosis, can cause pneumonia as well as viruses such as influenza and chickenpox.The last thing someone on a transplant list needs is to be around someone who is sick. Even if the pneumonia is not contagious, she may have secondary problems that are. She should be ashamed of herself for placing your husband at risk. Something as simple as a cold could eliminate him from contention for an organ if one were available. Keep her away from your husband at all cost. Good luck. With friends like her, you don't need enemies.
Pneumonia can be very dangerous, it left untreated it can be fatal. Bacterial pneumonia (most common) is treated with antibiotics. It is generally not contagious. If your doctor feels it is nothing to be worried about, it should be fine.
Don't take any chances with your husband. Pneumonia isn't easy to catch from another person however pneumonia is usually developed because ones immune system is weakened. Because of this it would be easier for your husband to contract things that most of us wouldn't have to worry about at all. I would defiantly suggest that your husband avoid contact with as many people as he can, sick or not, most viruses take 3-5 days to show symptoms so he can easily be exposed to anything without knowing that the other person is even sick..good luck to you both.

Is play sand for sand pits safe?

I'm looking for play sand for my daughters sand pit, but I've read so many scary stories about a lot of play sand containing termolite (a form of human carcinogenic asbestos) and crystalline silica, both of which can cause serious lung disease. I know shops wouldn't sell stuff the would damage our children, but you never know?! I would rather get natural (ie. stuff that looks like it comes from the beach) rather than stuff made from quarried quartz. Have you got play sand, if so where did you get it. I live in Scotland.
no i have maintained its not for years and have mentioned it to the authorities but through the years its remained the same so I assumed i could be wrong
Try Mothercare!
Hi I just got my 7 year old a sandpit for her birthday , bought sand from mother care . My thinking was should be safe from there rite ?
If you are that concerned, stick with a ball pit and know for sure your childs health is not at risk.

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