Im 15, and im very hypoglycemic. I do lots of sports and running. i eat well, im in good shape, im small, petite, very thin. (not anorexic or anything!) and i eat well. I eat proteins and carbs before a game or track meet, and i make sure i will be ok. i dont have diabeties. i am just wondering if there is a cure to hypoglycemia, or if anyone knows how to make this even better, cuz even after i eat alot, and well before i run, i still loose my breath, and my eyes kinda wonder off. i get dizzy, and i have almost encounterd death with this before last year in PE. plz help!! :D thanx!!
The cure for Hypoglycemia is NOT to have sugar but to avoid it. Hypoglycemics react badly to sugar causing their blood sugar to plummet. Avoid sugar, candy, chocolate, fruits white bread and flour and basically junk food- potatoe chips.Eat healthy meats, whole grains, brown bread, whole grain pasta and vegetables and eat regularly.There is no 'cure' diet is the only way.
the cure for hypoglycemia is to have sugar. Orange juice is a good thing to have if you are feeling hypoglycemic. You could also carry around some hard candies and have them when you are feeling that way.
You should exercise vigorously and have one of your diabetic friends (there are lots of them) take you blood glucose right after the exercise to be sure it really is low sugar. If so, you should see your M.D. and find out why. It is not normal...and you know it.Don't eat a lot. It makes you fat, more likely to get diabetes. Then you really will have sugar problems.You lose your breath? Heart problem? Lung problem.?.maybe asthma?See your M.D. Find out if you have what you think you have, or something else.
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