Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Is there a correlation between between anemia and low blood pressure?

Ummm.The short answer is no, with one exception. This is a bit of a complex question- so let me talk about anemia, then I'll cover blood pressure.
Your blood is composed of many things, but MOST of it is plasma- think of it as water that everything sits in. In the plasma you have red blood cells with carry oxygen, white blood cells, which among other things fight infection, and platelets, which help to stop bleeding by causing clots...there's other stuff too, but let's try not to get to far from the point.
Anemia is defined for simplicity's sake as a low level of red blood cells in your plasma. This can result from many things, but let's limit that to you either don't make enough red blood cells (no iron to make 'em), or you lose too many red blood cells (by bleeding or otherwise.)
Blood pressure on the other hand, is automatically regulated by your body by a few different things. I'll liken this to a garden hose. High water pressure (high blood pressure) will cause water to come shooting out 30 feet from your hose to water the other side of the lawn. You get that high pressure, by one- turning up the water, so there is more water in the hose, two, by crimping the hose or putting your finger on the end causing the hose to become narrow so the water shoots out, or three putting a pump in the hose to forcefully expell the water out.
Now, back to your body- If your body causes the blood vessels to tighten up (the hose gets crimped) your blood pressure goes up. If you have more plasma (water), your blood pressure goes up. If your heart pumps harder, your blood pressure goes up.
It's not really how many red blood cells you have as red cells comprise just a small portion of blood- again, blood is mostly plasma, so it's how much plasma (water) you have that causes your blood pressure to go up.
So finally, back to my exception- if you are hemorrhaging (bleeding rapidly) you are losing red blood cells (thus becoming anemic) but at the same time you are losing plasma (water) and your other blood components...thus it is your plasma loss, rather than your red blood cell loss that can cause your blood pressure to drop if you lose too much of it suddenly and your body cannot replace it. (whew) =P
when you are anemic it means you are low on blood ,so the blood pressure will be low too
In theory, yes, but not always 100% correlation. Would have to know more.

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