Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Is there a disease that causes the body to die temporarily and come back to life?

There's a "Zombie Powder" called Tetrodotoxin that can make a person appear dead. Some venoms in puffer fish, toads, and snakes have the same effect.
No. Once you are dead, you can't come back.
No, are you planing to go somewhere. Be very careful sometimes thing we do are against the law.
not that I know of. Your heart could stop for a few moments and start back up again but that's 'bout all I can think of

Is there a disease or symptom in which you gradually feel less and less pain?

There is many diseases that could rob your ability for your nervous system to send messages in your nerves, spinal cord and brain.
Diabetes could affect feet and legs. MS all limbs etc.

Is there a disease in which blood changes its color (i.e. not the blood cells bu the blood itself)?

Recently, one of my friends had a blood test and his blood turned to white after being waited for 3 minutes in the container. Doctors can't find the reason.
It is not the blood that is white but there may be lipids floating on the top of the blood after standing. Your friend may have to check his cholesterol levels
The other possibility is that some of the preservatives that is used in the blood tube look white and that is what your friend saw rather than the blood changing color.
never,did you see this happen?

Is there a difference between Sinusitis and Allergic Rhinitis?

Please advise?
Sure. Sinusitis is inflammation of one or more (usually more) of the sinus cavities, with or without infection. Since the openings to the sinus can be easily sealed shut by swelling, creating a warm, moist bacteria playground, infection is common. You can have sinusitis and still breathe freely through your nose, though once you also have an infection, the nasal passages are also affected and you're totally clogged up. Besides the congestion, sinusitis is characterized by a low fever and an intense, localized headache.Allergic rhinitis is the nasal passages swelling, sometimes shut, in response to a substance you're allergic to. There's also excess mucus formation as the nose tries to clean itself out. (So you both look and feel your very best, eh?)Either one's no fun, but one's treated with antibiotics, the other with antihistamines.
rhinitis refers to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose, but it is possible to have both, if you have chronic sinusitis then you probably have rhinitis as well. allergic rhinitis may be seasonal. treatment for allergic rhinitis
1eliminate or limit intake of chocolate, milk eggs
2 cover mattress and pillows with plastic
3 no domestic animals in the house
4 use non allergenic cosmetics
5 cover overstuffed furniture
6 use antihistamines as directed
7avoid use of wool bedding

Is there a difference between Fluticasone Propionate Nasal Spray (generic Flonase) from Flonase?

I read that GlaxoSmithKline said that it wasn't put to FDA standards? I believe it to be the same but am wondering if anyone else had any implications from either?
I was on Flonase for years and just recently my insurance switched me over to generic.i see no difference whatsoever.still works great for me with no side effects.
It is the generic for flonase and works the same way.
No. They should be the exact same thing. Check the label on the Flonase.
Pretty sure it's the same thing.

Is there a Diabetic Foot Ulcer Study in Detroit?

I saw a commercial a couple of weeks ago on a local TV station but I didn't take the telephone number down.very silly of me since I'm a diabetic w/these problems.
There are several studies going on concerning diabetic foot ulcers. I'm not sure what kind of study you saw advertised, maybe its in the list. Here is a link to the studies:http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct/search;...
Probably. There are many high-powered podiatry residencies in the area with lots of wound care clinics and podiatry residents, internal medicine residents, a high powered dermatology department at Wayne State, etc, etc, etc. to provide the muscle power to do a large study.Your best bet would be to contact the TV station and ask if they could give you the number again. Otherwise call the hospitals and ask for the wound care clinic. Ask the wound care clinic if they are running a study. I have absolutely no idea where it is being done, but I would try DMC first.

Is there a diabetes foot care and wound care workshop which I can attend in June or July?

I am a doctor in Sri Lanka.
Yes ask your local hospital coordinator. They always have diabetes awareness meetings scheduled at the hospitals.
I would call the hospitals in your area especially the teaching hospitals, sometimes they have classes.

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